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Exercise 6
Learn about Cardiovascular Physiology by completing the following lab simulation.
  1. Download and open the lab instruction worksheet (PDF format) for this experiment.
  2. Watch the Cardiovascular Physiology video.
  3. Complete the PhysioEx Lab Experiments:
  4. Review what you've learned by downloading and completing the review sheet (PDF or RTF format) or taking the multiple-choice quiz.
  • To list the properties of cardiac muscle as automaticity and rhythmicity and define each.
  • To explain the statement, "Cardiac muscle has an intrinsic ability to beat."
  • To compare the relative length of the refractory period of cardiac muscle with that of skeletal muscle, and explain why it is not possible to tetanize cardiac muscle.
  • To define extrasystole and to explain at what point the in the cardiac cycle (and on an ECG tracing) an extrasystole can be induced.
  • To describe the effect of the following on the heart rate: cold, heat, vagal stimulation, pilocarpine, digitalis, atropine, epinephrine, and potassium, sodium, and calcium ions.

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