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Exercise 8
Learn about Processes of Digestion by completing the following lab simulation.
  1. Download and open the lab instruction worksheet (PDF format) for this experiment.
  2. Complete the PhysioEx Lab Experiments:
  3. Review what you've learned by downloading and completing the review sheet (PDF or RTF format) or taking the multiple-choice quiz.
  • To list the digestive system enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; to state their site of origin; and to summarize the environmental conditions promoting their optimal functioning.
  • To recognize the variation between different types of enzymes assays.
  • To name the end products of digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • To perform the appropriate chemical tests to determine if digestion of a particular food has occurred.
  • To cite the function(s) of bile in the digestive process.
  • To discuss the possible role of temperature and pH in the regulation of enzyme activity.
  • To define enzyme, catalyst, control, substrate, and hydrolase.
  • To explain why swallowing is both voluntary and a reflex activity.
  • To discuss the role of the tongue, larynx, and gastroesophagael sphincter in swallowing.
  • To compare and contrast segmentation and peristalsis as mechanisms of propulsion.

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