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Exercise 11
Learn about Blood Analysis by completing the following lab simulation.
  1. Download and open the lab instruction worksheet (PDF format) for this experiment.
  2. Watch the Blood Typing video.
  3. Complete the PhysioEx Lab Experiments:
  4. Review what you've learned by downloading and completing the review sheet (PDF or RTF format) or taking the multiple-choice quiz.
  • To become familiar with the "normal" values obtained with selected blood tests.
  • To understand how common laboratory procedures for examining blood can indicate pathology, or a state of disease.
  • To learn how the following blood tests are performed: hematocrit (packed cell volume) determination, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin determination, blood typing, and total blood cholesterol determination.
  • To understand what each of these procedures is measuring in a sample of blood.
  • To realize the importance of proper disposal of laboratory equipment that has come in contact with blood.
  • To understand the importance of matching blood types for blood transfusions.

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