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Exercise 12
Learn about Serological Testing by completing the following lab simulation.
  1. Download and open the lab instruction worksheet (PDF format) for this experiment.
  2. Complete the PhysioEx Lab Experiments:
  3. Review what you've learned by downloading and completing the review sheet (PDF or RTF format)or taking the multiple-choice quiz.
  • To define the following terms: antigen, antibody, epitope, precipitin line, and serum.
  • To distinguish between antigens and antibodies.
  • To learn how the following serological tests are performed: direct fluorescent antibody technique, Ouchterlony technique (double diffusion), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and Western blotting technique.
  • To understand the specificity that antigens and antibodies have for each other.
  • To relate non-specific binding to false positive results.
  • To distinguish between positive and negative controls.
  • To compare and contrast the ELISA and Western blotting technique.

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