Content Frame

  • Blood Typing
    This video demonstrates a live experiment wherein the blood type of volunteer students was determined. It closely follows the blood typing simulation in Exercise 11, Activity 4.
  • BMR Measurement
    This video demonstrates the measurement of a rat’s baseline metabolic rate. It accurately depicts the wet-lab basis of the experiments simulated in Exercise 4, Activities 1-4.
  • Cardiovascular Physiology
    This video demonstrates the collection and appearance of an authentic ECG. It also shows how the heart rate can be calculated from the ECG trace. These recordings and heart rate calculations are similar to the data collected in the activities in Exercise 6.
  • Cell Transport
    This video demonstrates the process of simple diffusion through a selectively permeable membrane with colored compounds of various molecular sizes separated by a dialysis membrane of known molecular weight cutoff. It applies directly to Exercise 1.
  • Nerve Impulses
    This video demonstrates the modern experimental technique of measuring synaptic activity in living brain tissue slices. It relates to the more-classical experiments simulated in Exercise 3.
  • Skeletal Muscle
    This video demonstrates the dissection and experimental use of a muscle from a mouse leg. This procedure is the wet-lab basis for the experiments simulated in Exercise 2.
  • Water-Filled Spirometer
    This video demonstrates the use of water-filled spirometry to collect lung volumes and FEV1 during normal and obstructed breathing. It provides a live demonstration of the technique simulated in Exercise 7.

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