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Lab Quiz
Neurophysiology and Nerve Impulses Lab Quiz

This activity contains 25 questions.

Question 1
1 Refer to Activity 1: Electrical Stimulation. When the nerve is stimulated at a voltage setting of 1.0 V, what is the response observed on the oscilloscope?
End of Question 1

Question 2
2 What is the threshold voltage?
End of Question 2

Question 3
Open Hint for Question 3 in a new window
If the voltage is increased by 0.5, and Single Stimulus is clicked, how does this change the tracing?
End of Question 3

Question 4
4 The maximal voltage at which an increase in response is no longer observed is:
End of Question 4

Question 5
5 Refer to Activity 2: Mechanical Stimulation. When the rod is positioned to touch the nerve, what do you see on the oscilloscope?
End of Question 5

Question 6
6 The response to the rod is indicative of which of the following conditions?
End of Question 6

Question 7
7 How does the tracing (in response to the rod) compare to other tracings previously generated?
End of Question 7

Question 8
8 Refer to Activity 3: Thermal Stimulation. What happens when the heated rod is brought into contact with the nerve?
End of Question 8

Question 9
9 How does the tracing generated when the heated rod touches the nerve compare to the tracing you observed with the unheated rod?
End of Question 9

Question 10
10 Which of the following conclusions would you make, based on your experiments using the heated and unheated rods?
End of Question 10

Question 11
11 Refer to Activity 4: Chemical Stimulation. When a nerve is exposed to sodium chloride, is an action potential generated?
End of Question 11

Question 12
12 How does the tracing of the nerve exposed to sodium chloride differ from that of the original threshold stimulus tracing?
End of Question 12

Question 13
13 What happens when the nerve is exposed to hydrochloric acid?
End of Question 13

Question 14
14 How does the tracing of the nerve exposed to hydrochloric acid differ from that of the original threshold stimulus tracing?
End of Question 14

Question 15
15 Based on your results, which type of stimuli were observed to elicit an action potential?
End of Question 15

Question 16
16 Refer to Activity 5: Testing the Effects of Ether. How would you describe the trace that is generated when the nerve is exposed to ether?
End of Question 16

Question 17
17 What was the effect of ether on the nerve?
End of Question 17

Question 18
18 How long does it take the nerve to return to normal?
End of Question 18

Question 19
19 Refer to Activity 6: Testing the Effects of Curare. What was the effect of curare on the action potential?
End of Question 19

Question 20
20 How would you explain the effect of curare on the action potential?
End of Question 20

Question 21
21 Refer to Activity 7: Testing the Effect of Lidocaine. What happens when lidocaine is applied to the nerve and the nerve is stimulated at the threshold level?
End of Question 21

Question 22
22 At what level of the nerve does lidocaine have its effect?
End of Question 22

Question 23
23 Refer to Activity 8: Measuring Nerve Conduction Velocity. Of the four nerves tested, which had the slowest conduction velocity?
End of Question 23

Question 24
24 Based on your results, what can you infer about nerve size and conduction velocity?
End of Question 24

Question 25
25 Which of the following is true?
End of Question 25

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