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Lab Quiz
Endocrine System Physiology Lab Quiz

This activity contains 20 questions.

Question 1
1 Refer to Activity 1: Determining Baseline Metabolic Rates. How did the baseline metabolic rates of the three rats differ?
End of Question 1

Question 2
2 Why did the metabolic rates differ?
End of Question 2

Question 3
3 Refer to Activity 2: Determining the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate. How did the thyroxine affect the normal rat's metabolic rate?
End of Question 3

Question 4
4 What was the effect of thyroxine on the thyroidectomized rat's metabolic rate?
End of Question 4

Question 5
5 What was the effect of thyroxine on the hypophysectomized rat?
End of Question 5

Question 6
6 Refer to Activity 3: Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate. What is the effect of TSH on the normal rat's metabolic rate?
End of Question 6

Question 7
7 How did the metabolic rate of the thyroidectomized rat injected with TSH compare to its baseline metabolic rate?
End of Question 7

Question 8
8 Which organ has been removed in the rat that has been hypophysectomized?
End of Question 8

Question 9
9 Refer to Activity 4: Determining the Effect of Propylthiouracil on Metabolic Rate. What effect did an injection of propylthiouracil have on the metabolic rate of the normal rat?
End of Question 9

Question 10
10 What was the effect of the propylthiouracil on the thyroidectomized rat?
End of Question 10

Question 11
11 Refer to Activity 5: Hormone Replacement Therapy. Which of the following had the greatest effect on bone density?
End of Question 11

Question 12
12 Which of the following best describes the effect of estrogen injections into the rat?
End of Question 12

Question 13
13 Which of the following best describes the effect of the calcitonin injections into the rat?
End of Question 13

Question 14
14 Refer to Activity 6: Obtaining a Glucose Standard Curve. What is the reason for generating a glucose standard curve?
End of Question 14

Question 15
15 Refer to Activity 7. Which patient(s) had a fasting plasma glucose level that was borderline?
End of Question 15

Question 16
16 How would you describe the diagnosis for Patient 3?
End of Question 16

Question 17
17 What additional test would you recommend for Patients 2 and 4?
End of Question 17

Question 18
18 Which hormone is NOT correctly matched with its secreting organ.
End of Question 18

Question 19
19 Which patient would be diagnosed with secondary adrenal insufficiency (hypopituitarism)?
End of Question 19

Question 20
20 Which patient would be diagnosed with Cushing's disease (secondary hypercortisolism)?
End of Question 20

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