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Lab Quiz
Cardiovascular Physiology Lab Quiz

This activity contains 20 questions.

Question 1
1 Refer to Activity 2: Investigating the Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle. What are extra systoles?
End of Question 1

Question 2
2 Refer to Activity 2: Investigating the Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle. During which portion of the cardiac cycle was it possible to induce an extra systole?
End of Question 2

Question 3
3 Was it possible to tetanize the heart by administering multiple electrical shocks to the muscle at the rate of 20 stimuli/sec.?
End of Question 3

Question 4
Open Hint for Question 4 in a new window
Why is it important that the heart muscle cannot be tetanized?
End of Question 4

Question 5
5 Refer to Activity 3: Examining the Effect of Vagus Nerve Stimulation. What is the initial effect of vagal stimulation on the heart rate?
End of Question 5

Question 6
6 Refer to Activity 4: Assessing the Effect of Temperature. What change occurred with the cold 5°C Ringer's solution?
End of Question 6

Question 7
7 What change occurred with the warm 32°C Ringer's solution?
End of Question 7

Question 8
8 What can be said about the relationship between heart rate and temperature? Choose all that apply:
End of Question 8

Question 9
9 Refer to Activity 5: Assessing the Effect of Pilocarpine. What happened when the heart was bathed in the pilocarpine solution?
End of Question 9

Question 10
10 Refer to Activity 6: Assessing the Effect of Atropine. What was the effect of atropine on the heart?
End of Question 10

Question 11
11 Atropine is ____________ to pilocarpine, whereas atropine and pilocarpine are both ____________ in their effects on heart activity.
End of Question 11

Question 12
12 Refer to Activity 7: Assessing the Effect of Epinephrine. What was the effect of epinephrine on heart rate?
End of Question 12

Question 13
13 What do the effects of epinephrine mimic?
End of Question 13

Question 14
14 Refer to Activity 8: Assessing the Effects of Digitalis. What is the effect of digitalis on the heart?
End of Question 14

Question 15
15 Refer to Activity 9: Assessing the Effect of Various Ions. How does calcium affect the heart rate?
End of Question 15

Question 16
16 How does sodium affect the heart rate?
End of Question 16

Question 17
17 How does potassium affect the heart rate?
End of Question 17

Question 18
18 Which of the ions did NOT produce arrythmia?
End of Question 18

Question 19
19 What are ectopic pacemakers?
End of Question 19

Question 20
20 The spontaneous depolarization of the heart muscle in the absence of external stimulation is ___________, whereas the spontaneous depolarization-repolarization events that occur in a regular and continuous manner in cardiac muscle is called ___________.
End of Question 20

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