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Lab Quiz
Chemical and Physical Processes of Digestion Lab Quiz

This activity contains 20 questions.

Question 1
1 Refer to Activity 1: Assessing Starch Digestion by Salivary Amylase. What do tubes 2, 6 and 7 reveal about pH and amylase activity?
End of Question 1

Question 2
2 Which pH buffer allowed the highest amylase activity?
End of Question 2

Question 3
3 Which tube indicates that the amylase did not contain maltose?
End of Question 3

Question 4
Open Hint for Question 4 in a new window
If control tubes were left out, what objections could be raised against the statement "Amylase digests maltose to starch"?
End of Question 4

Question 5
5 Why would the amylase present in the saliva not be active in the stomach?
End of Question 5

Question 6
6 What effect does boiling have on enzyme activity?
End of Question 6

Question 7
7 Refer to the data you collected for Activity 2: Assessing Cellulose Digestion. Which tubes showed a positive test for the IKI reagent?
End of Question 7

Question 8
8 Which tubes showed a positive test for the Benedict's reagent?
End of Question 8

Question 9
9 What was the effect of freezing tube 1?
End of Question 9

Question 10
10 How does the effect of freezing differ from the effect of boiling?
End of Question 10

Question 11
11 Which of the following explanations best describes the effect of amylase on glucose in tube 3?
End of Question 11

Question 12
12 What was the effect of amylase on cellulose in tube 4?
End of Question 12

Question 13
13 Judging from the results of tubes 4, 5, and 7, what can be concluded about the digestion of cellulose?
End of Question 13

Question 14
Open Hint for Question 14 in a new window
What was the effect of peptidase in tube 6?
End of Question 14

Question 15
15 Refer to Activity 3: Assessing Protein Digestion by Pepsin. Which pH provided the highest pepsin activity?
End of Question 15

Question 16
16 Tubes 1 and 2 contained the same substances. Why were their optical density measurements different?
End of Question 16

Question 17
Open Hint for Question 17 in a new window
What would happen if the temperature were decreased to 10°C?
End of Question 17

Question 18
18 Refer to Activity 4: Assessing Fat Digestion by Pancreatic Lipase and the Action of Bile. What was the difference in activity between test tubes 1 and 2?
End of Question 18

Question 19
19 Which pH resulted in maximum lipase activity?
End of Question 19

Question 20
20 In theory, would lipase be active in the mouth?
End of Question 20

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