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Lab Quiz
Blood Analysis Lab Quiz

This activity contains 25 questions.

Question 1
1 Refer to Activity 1: Hematocrit Determination. Hematocrit refers to:
End of Question 1

Question 2
2 Of the test subjects, who has the highest hematocrit value?
End of Question 2

Question 3
3 Of the test subjects, who has the lowest hematocrit value?
End of Question 3

Question 4
4 If your bone marrow is producing an elevated number of red blood cells, what happens to your hematocrit?
End of Question 4

Question 5
5 What is the hematocrit value of the woman with iron deficiency anemia?
End of Question 5

Question 6
6 Refer to Activity 2: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate measures what?
End of Question 6

Question 7
7 Refer to Activity 2. How many millimeters has the blood settled for tube 1?
End of Question 7

Question 8
8 What was the ESR for the menstruating female? Do you predict this to be higher or lower than when she is not menstruating?
End of Question 8

Question 9
9 How would the ESR for a person with iron deficiency anemia compare to the ESR for a healthy individual?
End of Question 9

Question 10
10 How does myocardial infarction affect the ESR?
End of Question 10

Question 11
11 What is the ESR of the individual with angina pectoralis?
End of Question 11

Question 12
12 Refer to Activity 3: Hemoglobin (Hb) Determination. What is the normal hemoglobin content for a male with polycythemia?
End of Question 12

Question 13
13 What is the red blood cell ratio of PCV to Hb for the female with iron deficiency anemia?
End of Question 13

Question 14
14 What is the ratio of PCV to Hb in the female Olympic athlete?
End of Question 14

Question 15
15 From the results of this experiment, what can be said about the ratio between Hb content and packed cell volume?
End of Question 15

Question 16
16 Based on these results, who has the least amount of Hb content in their blood?
End of Question 16

Question 17
17 Refer to Activity 4: Blood Typing. If a person has type O+ (Rh positive) blood, which antigen(s) are present on the red blood cells?
End of Question 17

Question 18
18 Which antibodies are present in the plasma of a person with type AB blood?
End of Question 18

Question 19
19 Which sample is from a person who has B+ (Rh positive) blood?
End of Question 19

Question 20
20 Which sample shows antigens present for all three agglutinogens?
End of Question 20

Question 21
21 If a woman has O+ (Rh Positive blood), from which sample subject could she receive a transfusion?
End of Question 21

Question 22
22 Refer to Activity 5: Cholesterol Determination. Cholesterol is produced
End of Question 22

Question 23
23 Which patient is at increased risk for heart disease?
End of Question 23

Question 24
24 Which patient is borderline elevated? What was the cholesterol value determined to be?
End of Question 24

Question 25
25 Which patient may be at risk for hyperthyroidism?
End of Question 25

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Some questions in this exercise may have more than one correct answer. To answer such questions correctly, you must select all the correct answers. Also note that answer choices in this exercise appear in a different order each time the page is loaded.

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